Jun 01, 2023 - 09:00 AM
Tear stains can be the result of a few different factors. The most common cause of eye staining in dogs is airborne irritants like dust, molds, and pollen, which can cause your pup's eyes to release a greater-than-normal amount of tears. Dietary sensitivities can also play a role in tear staining by causing inflammation in the mucus membranes of the eyes. This can make the eyes more susceptible to staining due to their release of tears. Genetics, which is very difficult to control, can also be at play in many cases. Finally, tear duct obstruction, or entropion, may cause increased tearing and therefore staining. Although it can be a challenge to determine the exact cause of staining, we at Dogs For The Earth recommend monitoring your pup's environment and diet and making any necessary changes if needed.