Jun 01, 2023 - 09:00 AM
Porphyrin staining is a method used to detect and diagnose certain types of canine diseases. It involves placing a sample of a dog’s hair onto a slide and staining it with a solution of porphyrin and acetic acid. The porphyrin is then absorbed into the hair's matrix and results in a bright yellow coloration on the surface. This yellow color is a sign of the presence of certain types of canine illnesses, like bladder, liver, or kidney disorders. Porphyrin staining is a non-invasive and inexpensive way of detecting and diagnosing canine diseases - and it's a crucial part of the medical care of any dog. At Dogs For The Earth, we take the health and wellbeing of your pup very seriously, and we're happy to provide you with information about any aspect of their health and care.