10 Positive energy tips dogs teach people.
Allow your dog to infuse your life with positive energy.
Positive energy sources like joy, happiness, contentment, excitement and love come naturally to dogs.
Positive Reinforcement thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.
Positive energy doesn’t just help us better enjoy our day to day experiences, it also impacts our health and relationships.
All dogs have a way of looking at the the bright side of life. (That's why they respond best to Positive Reinforcement Training) Yet, positivity seems to come naturally for some people, while others have to work for it.
If you find it challenging to maintain a positive outlook, especially lately, take heart and look towards your dog for guidance. Soon you'll be able to give off that positive energy on a permanent basis!
Like a dog, keep love in your heart at all times.
1. Be strong, be kind
Kindness has also been proven to make us happier and less stressed.
Studies have actually proven, that kindness is contagious.
If someone is kind to you, you will be inspired to pay it forward, and the person who receives your kindness will feel the same, so on and so forth.
Dogs always feel sympathy and empathy for those around them.
They understand all our mistakes: our late feedings, our skipped walks, the many working hours.
Dogs show kindness at all times and forgive wholeheartedly.
2. Do not dwell on the negatives
Stuff happens. But it’s how you respond that matters.
Don't worry about things you can't change.
Like a dog, love today anyway.
Find something in every moment that is a blessing, has beauty or offers hope.
3. Do not speak of your problems, diseases, illnesses or worries
The more energy you give what is wrong, the more it persists.
Like a dog, try to just get on with the good things in life.
Look for the flip side. Focus on the improvement, the good to come.
4. Love and accept yourself
As you are. Now.
Happy go lucky dogs never worry about feeling worthy.
They are love.
Give yourself a pep talk anytime you have a negative thought about yourself.
Pep talks motivate, inspire, and uplift.
Try one out on your dog now ... you'll see!
5. Let go of the past
You can’t undo anything. It’s done.
Forgive others, forgive yourself
Dogs never worry about their past mistakes, their social gaffs, their mistakes on the floor.
They say sorry with all their heart, then move on to living in the moment again.
6. Speaking of living in the Moment.
Be present, appreciate something in every moment.
Any activity can be made as interesting as you are willing to make it.
While on their walk, dogs never worry about something else.
They watch a butterfly flutter by, inhale a fresh breeze, smell new grasses and enjoy the very essence of the walk.
Tails wagging like flags, they enjoy the moment.
When you focus on enjoying the moment, you keep your mind off your troubles and worries.
7. Laugh! Smile!
Allow happiness to fill your heart.
Happiness is not by chance but by choice
Find joy in simple moments. The beauty of a sunrise or the glitter in raindrops.
Surround yourself with upbeat thoughts and laugh freely.
Be joyful.
Dogs express their love and joy over the smallest of gestures. A belly rub, or pat on the head. The toss of a toy or cuddle on the sofa, whatever happens next, dogs are ready to enjoy it.
8. Don’t worry
Ever notice how a dog wakes up every morning happy and ready for life's adventures?
Say hello to a beautiful life.
Use your imagination to visualize what can go right, instead of what can go wrong.
Think only about the ideal situation, not the current problematic situation.
Look for the bright side, and like a dog, appreciate every moment of it!
9. Exercise.
If you’re worried about something, you need to give your brain a chance to process things.
Exercise, physically and mentally removes you from your problems.
Exercise will flood your system with feel good endorphins, release stress and in the middle of a
long walk … or in the middle running through a field with your dog you may suddenly have an epiphany.
Or, at least for a while, like a dog, you will be fully present and not worried about the future.
10. Be grateful
Gratitude invokes the law of attraction.
Having a gratitude attitude is really using the power of positive thinking to its highest degree.
Keep a gratitude journal.
If you make an effort to be grateful, you will find that you will be blessed with more things to be grateful for.
Every night before you to go to sleep, list everything you were grateful for throughout the day.
Over time, you will see your lists become much longer and like a dog,
you'll soon be grateful for all the small but wonderful things every day,
which will turn into every week,
every month.
Soon you'll be grateful for your wonderful life!
Need training to help your dog's behavior?

"Positive reinforcement training makes your pup eager to learn, makes you excited to teach and makes it possible for you and your dog to accomplish far more than you ever thought possible!"
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