When our decorations arrive from storage, Tiffy rejoices!
No kidding, she loves Christmas festivities.
Especially presents under the tree. In fact, any bag stuffed with tissue paper is fair game to her.
Whenever gifts are being opened, when friends drop by, during a party or on Christmas morning; it's tradition to pop a few treats in the bottom of small bags, stuff in a bit of tissue paper and watch her fun begin. We have countless photos of Tiffy's head well & truly inside the whole bag.
It's a delight to have her in our family. Even when she is being a full-fledged, rambunctious, tenacious, strong willed, faster than lightning typical Yorkie!
Although during those times it helps if we pause & take a deep breath! A long breath, filled with memories of love!
When she turns her sweetie pie eyes filled with trust and love towards anyone, with a single glance she can, melt away a hardened resolve, dissolve an unforgiving disposition and defer bad intentions.
She can fill an entire room with laughter & joy just by jumping on her toy and rolling all over it. Especially during a photo shoot..which can take longer than expected if toys are involved .....
And she can become so mushy and cuddly her entire body melts into yours....

This tiny little 5 pound Yorkie has the captivating energy of a superstar.
But that's what all our dogs have in common. Little saviors, healers and entertainers. Best buddies, confidants, co-workers and family. We are all blessed by the pure love of our dogs and their inexplicable ability to understand our feelings and join any game plan.
This Holiday Season, join us and take a long, deep look into your dogs' eyes and marvel your good fortune!
Give your superstar a great big hug and realize true love and miracles are right in front of you.