Joe Miller’s essay is hanging in our shop. It’s large, almost 4 feet square, so all who enter or even pass by can read it.
Most can’t read it without shedding a tear or at least feeling moved. It reminds us why we do all things organic and eco-friendly. It reminds us how lucky we are to have such a phenomenal planet and how sacred the task of its’ care.
Maria Rodale says in her Organic Manifesto, “If you do just one thing to change the world, Go Organic!”
Why? Because True Organic Living involves all things pure and natural. Organic Farming spares the land and sea from a multitude of chemical insecticides, pesticides, fungicides and frankly – planet-cides.
An Organic Lifestyle will have a positive impact on you and your environment.
When you choose Organic, you choose stewardship of our planet. You choose clean water and healthy food. You choose a healthy life and a healthy planet.
By now, you’ve probably heard plenty arguments about the dangers of chemical pesticides and additives, you’ve been recycling and trying to eat healthier, we’ve all watched the debate on climate warming and it’s pretty hard not to know about the ruckus with fracking. There’s a lot of here-say and fear mongering, fact switching and exaggeration going on.
So what do we, the people of this planet do? What do we believe in, how do we choose what is really necessary and who to believe? How do we choose the right way to have a positive impact on our world?
Perhaps Joel Pett, cartoonist, has the answer.